Summer Foot Care on Vacation

Summer is just around the corner, and that might mean you’re getting ready for your next vacation to the beach or another bucket-list destination. Many vacationers neglect to properly take care of their feet. Don’t let pain and discomfort get in the way of enjoying your sunny vacation.


Here is a list of tips for keeping your feet happy when traveling:

  • Choose the right shoes and bring multiple pairs
    When planning your vacation, understand the types of activities you’ll be doing. Will you be walking a lot? What kind of terrain will you be on? Consider these questions as you pack. It’s also important to have multiple pairs to rotate. You may be trying to pack lightly, but having a second or third pair on hand will ensure you always have a fresh pair ready to go.


  • Keep blisters away
    Everyone knows the feeling of an emerging “hot spot” on our feet when we don’t have proper socks or footwear on. Don’t let something preventable like a blister ruin your trip. On top of wearing clean and quality socks and shoes, consider using a blister prevention cream or tape before spending long periods of time on your feet. There are many affordable and effective travel-size products available, such as Body Glide or RockTape.


  • Don’t forget sunscreen
    In addition to preventing blisters from chafing, sunburn can be another source of serious discomfort. If you’re wearing sandals or open-toed shoes when the sun is out, be sure to apply sunscreen to the exposed parts of your feet and toes. It’s easy to forget to apply protection to these areas, yet your feet are one of the more vulnerable places for sunburn when exposed.


  • Keep the blood flowing
    If you have a long plane ride or drive to your destination, compression socks are one good way to promote good blood flow while being sedentary. Your feet and lower legs will thank you if you break up long periods of sitting with short walks, which is another way to keep a healthy blood flow and prevent discomfort. It’s also recommended to avoid crossing your legs while sitting.


The importance of happy feet can be overlooked when planning for your summer vacation. You deserve a fun and relaxing vacation, so be sure to take these easy steps to prevent pain and discomfort while traveling. If you return home from vacation with skin or nail issues around your feet, learn more about how our team of professionals can get you the relief you need.