Balance Foot & Ankle - Grateful Life Health Coaching - Shannon Sabol - Partner

My name is Shannon Sabol and I am a certified Holistic Health Coach, yoga teacher for over a decade, and mother of two awesome kiddos.  As a health advocate and wellness guide, I help parents prioritize their own self care and bring more awareness into their lives.  I know first hand how challenging it is to balance life as a parent, but strongly believe that we can’t help others unless we help ourselves first!  I have woven together my love of educating about the body, mind, spirit connection and passion for healthy living, and created Grateful Life Health Coaching.  I help parents expand their view of health, and offer education and support in the areas where they may feel imbalanced.  Together we set goals and create an obtainable action plan to achieve them.  We go beyond the plate (food) and look at all areas in their life that need nourishment.  By incorporating healthy, sustainable food and lifestyle habits, you can create the life that you want! A health coach may be just what you need if you want…

  • More energy
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduced stress and anxiety
  • Weight loss
  • Food education
  • Healthy cooking education
  • Increased physical activity
  • Decreased inflammation
  • More organization
  • Deeper spiritual practices
  • And more…

Check out my website for more information on my programs and other offers at and schedule a complimentary 50-minute health consultation.  You can also follow me on social media (Facebook and Instagram) @shannon.gratefullife

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